Lust of the Kobolds, Part II Read online

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  Panting, gasping, the three of us basked in a breeding well done. I stood sandwiched between the two of them until, finally, Xael slid himself out from my body, Beloth following soon after.

  I could barely stand, but I put my hand on Xael’s shoulder, and that helped a lot. I felt sore and spent, tired in a strange way that I had not felt before.

  “How was that?” I asked, somewhat cautiously. “I hope your evaluation to the council will be…kind.”

  “Kind?” Xael laughed, tilting his head and rubbing his cheek against my hand. “I think you’re the one that’s been kind, little Taeni. That was…incredible.”

  The amount of seed they’d loosed spoke testament to their words. “Thank you,” I said. “As with all kobolds, I am to please our masters.”

  “You will,” said Beloth, somewhat cryptically, “in time. I do not feel that the eyes of the council are off you just yet.”

  With a smile, the two of them moved away from me. Each cupped cupped their hands and dipped it in the water, then drank. Cautious, I approached as well, taking a sip. It was cool and refreshing.

  “I should get going,” I said, straightening my back and letting the cool water wash down the last traces of salt in my mouth.

  “So soon?” said Beloth, smiling coyly.

  “Our task here is complete.” I didn’t quite know what else to say. “If you think that more is necessary, I’ll remain, but…” I twisted around, showing him my wet, dripping backside. There was no way I was not completely bred by this point.

  “Business is done,” said Xael, “but pleasure remains. If you wanted to, we could indulge ourselves for a time.”

  I did actually want to stay, but the calling of my duty was a voice not easily ignored. “Another time,” I promised, and with that, I hobbled over to the door, pried it open, and stepped back out to the main breeding chamber.

  Chapter III


  I walked toward the door that was the exit to this place. I was sticky and gooey—practically covered in the stuff, especially in my nethers—but I knew that this kind of stuff happened. It had done so last month, it would do so again…

  The numbers restarted after 109. I counted them as I went. 110. 111. 112…As I hobbled down the corridor, I didn’t quite know why, but I glanced into one of the open doors near the end. 115.

  Jeruth was there, resting on the stone floor.

  Our eyes met and, for a brief moment, I didn’t quite know what to do. He took stock of my form—glistening with seed, sticky and dripping—and a warm smile formed on his face.

  “Hello,” he said, the warmth in his tone palpable. “Here for your latest breeding, Taeni?”

  I knew I shouldn’t do it, but I stepped through the door and into the area beyond. “Already done,” I said, unable to stop a similar smile from spreading over my face. “As you can probably smell.”

  “Smell, see…” Jeruth reached out and touched my hip. “Touch. Quite an effort.”

  “It was certainly voluminous,” I confessed, “although it is more than it appears. Two were present.”

  “It takes two dedicated breeders to match me?” he asked, no small amount of pride in his voice. “Well. Breath of the Dragon Gods, wonders never cease.”

  We exchanged a brief look—it passed almost instantly—but I knew, suddenly, that I wanted him. I wanted him inside me once more. I could tell by the way he looked at me, the smell of him, that he wanted the same.

  “We…” I said, trying to find words. “We shouldn’t. I shouldn’t be here. I cannot breed with you again, not again, it’s against the rules—”

  “The rules,” said Jeruth, the corners of his scaly mouth turning down. “It is. I know this.”

  My body burned. I had been satisfied with the breeding. It should have been enough. It had to be. And the rules…


  “The rules…” even my own voice sounded feeble to me.

  His hand stroked up my hip, then back down, and I could resist no longer. I pushed myself up against him, and he against me. I pressed my mouth against his, tightly, my hands sliding around his waist.

  “Wait,” he said.

  Although I didn’t want to, I did. “W-what?” I breathed, my mouth next to his.

  He kicked the door closed with his heel. That was smart. Then Jeruth spun me around with those strong miner’s arms, so that his chest was pressed to my back, and pushed me up to the wall.

  “Nobody must know,” he breathed right next to my ear hole, his groin snug to my rump.

  “Nobody,” I echoed, and I raised up my tail, squeezing it between our bodies.

  “We’ll have to be quick.” Jeruth pressed his body needfully against my back. “Very quick.”

  “Very quick,” I said, nodding, my cheek pressed against the stone.

  His fingers explored me, gripping my backside, squeezing tightly. Lingeringly. I felt his fingers stroke down to my nethers. This was wrong. Bad. I knew I shouldn’t be doing it but I let him, let his fingers slip into my sex, stroke…and withdraw covered in seed.

  “Hurry,” I said, taking a shallow breath and closing my eyes.

  Jeruth’s sticky fingers slid up the cleft of my rump, slipping underneath my tail. Wet, sticky with seed, they pressed against my tailhole, smearing the stuff inside me.

  I knew what he was doing. Or a least, I thought I did. He was going to use his finger there—for what purpose, exactly, I wasn’t sure, but…

  I was wrong. He adjusted his posture, shifting his body up a bit, and he pressed the throbbing head of his shaft—thick and heavy and eager—up against my slick tailhole.

  Probably should have stopped him at that point—I had yet another opportunity to stick to the rules and not break them—but I realised that this was probably a good compromise. Jeruth would get to put his seed in me, and although it could never take root, we could both be rid of these…urges.

  That line of thought was cut off by him pushing up into me, spreading my tailhole lewdly, spearing its way deeply into my body in a way I’d never felt before.


  It was rough. Deep. A little painful, yes, but a passing made easier by the lubrication of the seed he smeared inside me, but above all else it was good.

  “Missed you,” I gasped, feeling Jeruth’s shaft throb inside my tailhole.

  “Nnnf, I missed you too.” Jeruth pressed himself even deeper into me, right up to the hilt. I had no idea my body could even take this thing, but despite some stretching it felt just fine. More than fine.

  Jeruth quickly slid back, leaving just the tip of his member within me, then he pushed back in, his hands holding my hips, groin thumping against my rump in a way that made my tailtip tremble.

  I grit my teeth. I’d asked him to be quick and he was. We needed to be done as soon as possible—the longer we waited here, the longer we risked being discovered. “Hurry,” I said again, inhaling through my nose.

  Ker-thump. Jeruth drove into me hard enough to push me a few inches up the wall. I curled my tail around his waist, squeezing tightly, trying to keep myself pressed in as close to him as possible. Ker-thump. Ker-thump. Ker-thump!

  I was worried, for a moment, that the sound might travel through the wall, but the stone was thick, and any kobolds outside were accustomed to—nay, even expecting—sounds of humping from within.

  “Keep going,” I urged him, pushing back against his thrusts. “Take me…”

  His strong arms held me tightly, and his strong legs pushed himself into me, keeping me pinned between the thick stone wall and his scaled chest, driving roughly into my body. I had not imagined that sex this way could feel good. It flew in the face of common sense, but as Jeruth’s thick shaft rammed up against the ceiling of my tailhole, filling me completely and stretching out my flesh with his girth, I could not deny the effectiveness of it.

  It was good.

  Ï squeezed his middle with my tail, arching my back, changing the angle slightly. Jeruth kept poundin
g away, the pace becoming quicker, more frenzied, his shaft swelling inside me, making things even more tighter.

  The faint scraping of claws on stone signalled that someone was walking past outside. Their footsteps approached, and then stopped for a moment right on the other side of the wall.

  Jeruth continued to take me unabashedly, driving roughly into my tailhole. My chest scraped noisily against the stone, making a rythmic thump which would be passed along through the rock.

  Would we be caught? If so I had no regrets--this was too good to pass up. My whole body was full of pleasure.

  “Do it,” I said, closing my eyes completely. I didn't care if the city watch burst in and killed us both, as long as Jeruth's seed was put in me. “Do it…”

  He gave me one last thrust, followed by a low, eager moan, and then I felt it; an eruption of fluid inside my tailhole, warm splatters against my inner walls, going deep, rough… splat, splat, splat...

  The footsteps, mercifully, faded away. As Jeruth's seed flooded my body I realised that whoever was on the other side wasn't trying to catch us, they were trying to listen in on the sex, and possibly gain gratification from it.

  That was okay with me, too.

  Jeruth rested his chest against my back, his whole body trembling. I was trembling too; not as much as he was, but certainly a lot.

  “Better?” I asked, but I wasn’t sure if I was talking to him, or myself.

  “Definitely,” he said, breathing over my earhole. “Dragon God alight, Taeni…I’ve been wanting to do that since we first met.”

  “I’m glad you enjoyed it.”

  He slowly eased me back down to the ground. “I do hope it was enjoyable for you, too.”

  “Very much,” I said, and I meant it.

  Jeruth withdrew his shaft from my tailhole. A wet splat followed as, with the pressure released, the seed joined the rest of the mess on my hindquarters. At this point I was so sticky and seed-splattered that the leakage from even Jeruth’s considerable load was hardly noticeable.

  I was a mess.

  I tried to stand and nearly fell down. Between Xael and Beloth sharing my nethers, along with Jeruth taking me under my tail, I was…quite sore to say the least. It wasn’t a bad pain, but my muscles complained and ached when I tried to walk.

  “That’s normal,” said Jeruth, giving my side a gentle pat. “At least, certainly, for your first time…”

  “I know,” I said, forcing my legs to work as I hobbled toward the door. “I’ll be okay.”

  Jeruth smiled warmly at me. “Take care,” he said, waggling his fingers. “I’ll see you soon.”

  I hoped so. I cracked open the door, peeked out to make sure nobody was coming, and then slid out and quickly closed it behind me.


  Dripping Wet

  Drip. Drip. Drip. Each step on my journey down the rest of the corridor was punctuated by wet splatters of Jeruth’s seed leaking out of me and onto the stone floor. It was highly conspicuous to me, but if any of the other kobolds around me noticed it and thought it to be unusual, they said nothing.

  Fortunately, I passed through the large set of double doors at the end of the hall without incident.

  “Hey!” said Kayeli, her customary wide smile even wider as she bounded up to me. “Wow, you’re a mess!”

  She, too, had been clearly well bred; her crotch was smeared with seed, and a glistening on the inside of her thighs indicated that she, too, had been well taken care of. “You’re in need of a grooming yourself,” I said, gesturing to her crotch.

  “Yeah, but nothing like you!” Kayeli’s eyes nearly bugged out as she walked around me, inspecting me from foot to snout. “You’re limping like you got impaled. This is all from one kobold?”

  Three, I almost said, but I was quick enough to keep my mouth shut. “Two,” I said instead, fighting the urge to tell the truth. Kobolds obeyed the rules and were not habitual liars.

  Fortunately, my kind were also terrible at knowing when they were being lied too, as well. “You were assigned two kobolds?” she said, shaking her head in disbelief. “I’m jealous. I wish I could have two.”

  “It was okay,” I said, “but I can barely walk and they made a mess like the Hells.”

  “Let me see!” Kayali squeaked playfully and slid her hand between her legs, scooping up a handful of it and slurping it with her tongue. “Tastes great,” she said, moving around to my front again.

  “Aye,” I said, “the taste was good.”

  She smiled like a half-moon. “Wow, Taeni…you really know how to bring out the best in your breeding partners. This really looks like the work of three.”

  “Thanks,” I said, desperate for a change in topic. “So how did you go?”

  “Oh,” said Kayeli, “I got assigned to Ilmoath. You know, that crabby red-scale warden from the sorcerer’s guild?” She scratched her head thoughtfully. “He’s not a spellcaster, but it’s nice to get the opportunity to breed with someone who’s close to the arcane, you know? Exciting! Apparently he was evaluating me for some purpose, to which I’m not entirely clear.”

  “My breeders said the same thing,” I said, curiously.

  “Really?” Kayeli hooked her arm around mine, helping me limp away from the breeder quarter, back toward the bug farmer’s area. Already the buzz of insects wafted toward my ears. “I’ll walk you home then I’ll give you a thorough licking to make sure you’re clean.”

  She would enjoy that, I imagine. Maybe doing so gave her the tingly feelings that I’d experienced…I thought about asking her, but I didn’t.

  “Thanks,” I said, keeping my questions to myself.

  Kayeli hummed quietly as she walked. “Maybe the council are preparing us for some special task,” she said. “Something that needs special breeders?”

  A special task. I had no idea what kind of job having two males breed with me at the same time might entail, but I was interested in finding out.

  “Maybe,” I said, limping toward my home, letting Kayeli guide me there.

  The next month couldn’t come quickly enough.

  Taeni’s sticky, sexy adventures continue in Lust of the Kobolds: Part III! Sign up here to receive notification when it’s out:

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  Other books by me:


  Kate’s Sexy Party

  (gang-bang, college girls)

  The Six Inch Deep Club

  (virgin, first time, college girls)

  Quinn’s Revenge

  (oral, masturbation)

  Dani’s Erotica Shorts Collection

  All three of the above, now at a discount!

  The Nun’s Lover

  (nuns, oral, breeding)

  Gender Studies 101

  (student, dominant female, sneaky sex)


  Lust of the Kobolds, Part I

  Lust of the Kobolds, Part II

  Last of the Kobolds, Part III (coming soon!)

  Also by Dani Dundee

  Lust of the Monsters

  Lust of the Kobolds, Part I

  Lust of the Kobolds, Part II

  Lust of the Kobolds, Part III

  Lust of the Kobolds, Part IV

  Lust of the Kobolds, Part V

  Lust of the Kobolds: The Complete Book

  Lust of the Drow: Part I


  The Six Inch Deep Club

  Kate's Sexy Party

  Quinn's Revenge

  Dani's Erotica Shorts Collection I

  The Nun's Lover

  Gender Studies 101



  ng books on Archive.