Lust of the Kobolds: Part I Read online

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  Back to Work

  Kayeli was waiting for me right outside the door. Just as I’d predicted, she had been bred thoroughly; her sex glistened with fluid, and a gooey trickle ran down her left thigh, just like me. There were bright specks of the stuff that glistened in the torchlight…around her lips, around her chin, and the tip of her tail.

  “Oh, look at you!” exclaimed Kayeli, her tail swishing in excitement as she looked me over. “You’re practically covered in the stuff!”

  “Jeruth did a good job,” I said, somewhat sheepishly.

  She grabbed me by the middle and pulled me close, licking the gooey trail that ran down my neck, her tongue lapping leaving a glistening trail as she slurped it all up, following the trail up past my chin to my lips, where she kissed me again. This time I could taste a different distinct flavour of seed; this must have been the male she bred with. It was good—warm and salty and rich—but not as good as Jeruth’s.

  “Messy kobold,” she breathed, her nose pressed gently against mine. She hugged me tightly, our sticky groins pressed together, Jeruth’s seed rubbing over her chest. Maybe that’s why she did it.

  “It was Jeruth’s fault,” I said. “But he seemed to have a good time…”

  Her hands snaked around my body, touching my seed-slick backside and giving a firm squeeze. “Oh, no, that was all you my dear,” she said, casually stroking between my cheeks.

  “We should go,” I said. It was nice, but we were standing in the corridor awkwardly.

  I limped down the long hall, Keyali’s hand tightly around my middle, helping me walk. She seemed to carry herself a bit better, handling it, although it might not have been my experience and, instead, simply have been Jeruth’s needy pounding that skewed my step.

  “Did he put his thumb up your butt?” asked Keyali, leaning her head against my shoulder. “He must have—you look like you’ve been bred by four kobolds…I’m sure he used every trick in the book.”

  “He did,” I admitted. “It felt good. Did he do that you?”

  She laughed, her tail flicking out and swatting my rump. “No,” she said, a little ruefully. “He only does that to his favourites. He likes putting his seed up their tailholes. Not sure why.”

  I wasn’t sure either. But I was sure I wouldn’t get a chance to find out. Other females began to fall into step with us, moving as a large, sticky, panting throng. Every one of them had sticky groins, backsides, faces…the city’s numbers would continue to grow, as they had for centuries. We’d done good work.

  The end of the corridor loomed, large double doors open. The stream of sticky kobolds slipped out. All around me musky smells, all different and competing with each other for strength, rose. Mine, it seemed, was the strongest.

  That made me smile.

  We passed through the main doors. The vast underground city of Emparsdon stretched out before us, illuminated by magical lights.

  “Aww,” said Kayeli. “Back to work.”

  It did seem like the case. The other kobold females went their separate ways, disappearing into the throng that was the typical crowd for the city.

  “I suppose so,” I said.

  Kayeli smiled at me, reaching down and sliding her hand between my legs, scooping up some of the wet stuff still clinging to my scales. She bought her slick finger back to her mouth and slurped it longingly. I wasn’t sure if she was tasting my fluids more, or Jeruth’s.

  “See you next month,” she said, giving her damp hand a playful wave, before walking off into the crowd.

  “See you next month,” I called, watching her leave. I had to go back to work now—the bugs of the city would not tend themselves—but I really wanted to stay here, and mate with more of the males. Still, I had my duties, and not all of them involved bending over in the breeding hall. I had to help feed the city. I had to safely lay my egg when the time came. I had to fight, if the city were attacked.

  But breeding was now my most favourite job.

  I wonder who I would be assigned to next month?

  Taeni’s sticky, sexy adventures continue in Lust of the Kobolds: Part II! Available now! (click HERE)

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  Other books by me:


  Kate’s Sexy Party

  (gang-bang, college girls)

  The Six Inch Deep Club

  (virgin, first time, college girls)

  Quinn’s Revenge

  (oral, masturbation)

  Dani’s Erotica Shorts Collection

  All three of the above, now at a discount!

  The Nun’s Lover

  (nuns, oral, breeding)

  Gender Studies 101

  (student, dominant female, sneaky sex)


  Lust of the Kobolds, Part I

  Lust of the Kobolds, Part II

  Last of the Kobolds, Part III (coming soon!)